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From the Bookshelves

May 29, 2019 Sandra Anderson

Plenty of Variety for your Teaching Garden


In keeping with the magazine’s theme of Why I Love Teaching, we are happy to highlight new titles in our collection created by teachers who burn with passion for the profession.

No matter where you live in Alberta, you have access to all of these fantastic resources through your ATA library! We are happy to mail materials out to you for a four-week loan and provide you with prepaid return postage. If you don’t see anything here that sparks your interest, email our library at and tell us about a topic that excites you—we will connect you with the best resources we have.




75 Ways to Be a Better Teacher Tomorrow: With Less Stress and Quick Success
Breaux, A. and T. Whitaker. 2019. New York, NY: Routledge (371.102 B828 2018)
Based on observational research into the daily practices of successful teachers, this book offers 75 easy practices to use in your classroom.


The Beginning Teacher’s Field Guide: Embarking on Your First Years (Self-Care and Teaching Tips for New Teachers)
Boogren, T. H. 2019. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree (371.102 B724)
The first years as a teacher can be the most exciting and the most heartbreaking. To help new teachers deal with the rollercoaster of challenges that face them, author Tina Boogren adapts the Kübler-Ross model of grief into the six stages of teaching: anticipation, survival, disillusionment, rejuvenation, reflection and second anticipation. Sharing excerpts from her own early journals as a teacher, Boogren gives practical advice for facing down problems and thriving in the first years of teaching.


Differentiation and the Brain: How Neuroscience Supports the Learner-Friendly Classroom
Sousa, D. A. and C. A. Tomlinson. 2nd Edition. 2018. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree (371.394 S725)
With the increasing diversity of students in the classroom, the old one-size-fits-most approach of education is no longer useful (if it ever was). David Sousa, a well-known author of neuroeducation books, joins Carol Tomlinson, a leading writer in differentiation for the classroom, to examine how these two viewpoints in education can reveal which assessment and instructional options are most likely to be effective in reaching students.


Disruptive, Stubborn, Out of Control?
Elvén, B. H. 2017. London, UK: Jessica Knightly Publishers (371.1024 E51)
One of the least fun parts of teaching is struggling to engage students who resist your best efforts. Author Bo Hejlskov Elvén offers some great solutions by helping teachers reflect on why students are acting out and giving practical tips for restoring harmony to your classroom.


The Fire Within: Lessons from Defeat that Have Ignited a Passion for Learning
Forehlich, M. (ed.). 2018. Alexandria, VA: Mandy Frohlich (370 F925)
Stories from educators who have faced personal trauma and developed into better, more passionate teachers.


Leading the Evolution: How to Make Personalized Competency-Based Education a Reality
Ruyle, M. et al. 2019. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Research (371.26 R985)
By marrying personalized learning practices with individualization of academic content, schools can develop personalized competency-based learning that will meet the learning needs of each child in the classroom. Author Mike Ruyle argues that personalized competency-based learning is the best way to prepare students for the uncertain work environments they will face as technology and globalization remake our economy.


Maverick Teachers: How Innovative Educators are Saving Public Schools
Baugh, D. E. and A. J. Juliani. 2019. New York, NY: Routledge (371.2012 B346)
This book is like having a master teacher on call. Flip it open to any page and you’ll find stories of how passionate teachers are connecting with their students and teaching with excitement. A great read to keep your own teaching fire going!


Make Learning Magical: Transform Your Teaching and Create Unforgettable Experiences in Your Classroom
Richmond, T. 2018. San Diego, CA: Dave Burgess Consulting (372.41 R533)
Learning can be a joy when a teacher is filled with passion and innovation. Tisha Richmond loads this book innovative ideas to engage curiosity and creativity in students. Mixing gamification and curriculum, she engages her students in fun activities that get them learning while they play in the classroom.


Playful Learning Lab for Kids: Whole-Body Sensory Adventures to Enhance Focus, Engagement, and Curiosity
Heffron, C. and L. Drobnjak. 2019. Beverley, MA: Quarto Publishing Group (371.33 H461)
The authors have loaded this book with fantastic ideas for kinetic learning and play. For every exercise, they include boxes on the page that suggest ways to maximize the sensory experience and ways to alter the exercise for reuse.


Reclaiming Our Calling: Hold On to the Heart, Mind, and Hope of Education
Gustafson, B. 2018. San Diego, CA: ImPress (370.G982)
Arguing that education needs to address the whole child rather than just curricular needs, Brad Gustafson has produced an inspiring book with many useful suggestions for teachers. He also challenges leaders to lead with the “4 Passions of the Profession.” Would you like to know what they are? Borrow this book and find out!


Teach Like Yourself: How Authentic Teaching Transforms Our Students and Ourselves
Goldberg, G. 2018. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press (370.1523 G618)
This book is recommended for any teacher who needs a little bravery boost from time to time. Author Gravity Goldberg encourages teachers to use five practices to develop their own agency: knowing your core beliefs, viewing teaching as a practice, building balanced relationships, driving professional growth and taking care of your whole self.


Teaching with Compassion: An Educator’s Oath to Teach from the Heart
Kaufman, P. and J. Schipper. 2018. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (371.102 K21)
The most common motivation for teachers to teach is the dream of reaching all the students in their classroom and inspiring them to learn. The education system, though, can come to view students as test scores rather than multifaceted humans with complex challenges in their lives. The author reminds teachers of their original inspiration for teaching and helps guide them back to seeing the whole student and treating them all with compassion.


Unleash Talent: Bringing Out the Best in Yourself and the Learners You Serve
Knollmeyer, K. 2018. San Diego, CA: Impress (371.102 K72)
Hidden talents serve no one. Kara Knollmeyer describes how teachers can uncover their own talents and then learn how to apply those lessons to uncover the talents of their students. However, identifying a talent is not enough—it has to be encouraged and empowered so that it can be unleashed. One of the key ideas in the book is “be so good at what you do in helping others grow that they eventually do not need you.”



Deep Discourse: Facilitating Student-Led Discussions
Novak, S. and C. Slatterly. 2018. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree (AV DEE) 68 min.
To demonstrate how to facilitate student-led discussions, the DVD includes scenes from real students in their classrooms. The filmmakers also show how to apply the student-led framework in instruction design. A facilitators’ guide is included.




Heart!: Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and a Leader
Kanold, T. K. 2019. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree (AV HEA 2018) 51 min.
A heartprint is an impression that a teacher leaves on their students and colleagues during their professional career. In this unscripted video, educators discuss the heartprints they wish to leave on their students and how they are implementing the five steps in the Heart! book to ensure that is the print that they do leave behind. The kit includes a facilitator’s guide and a print copy of the Heart! book.


Passion and Persistence: How to Develop a Professional Learning Community at Work
DuFour, R. Revised Edition. 2018. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree (AV PAS 2018) 7 min.
In this brief video, Richard DuFour discusses the essentials of professional learning communities (PLCs) and encourages teachers to actively engage in developing a great PLC in their school.




Targeting Behavior and Academic Interventions: A Process to Diagnose and Coordinate Student Supports
Mattos, M. and A. Buffum. 2018. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree (AV TAR) 32 min.
In this unscripted video, teacher teams discuss how to aid at-risk students. They apply the model of prosolve process from the response-to-intervention model to determine how to address behavioural issues while also helping students to get on track academically. Includes a facilitator’s guide.




Why Maker Kits? New technologies that are developing now will remake our economy and the types of work we do in as little as 10 years. If we can get students comfortable with building their own electronics, problem solving and designing their own machines now, they will be best able to adapt to this uncertain employment future. Your ATA library stocks the newest makerspace technology for our members to try out so that teachers can make informed decisions about the type of technology that would work best in their classrooms and help prepare their students for an uncertain future.


OSMO Genius Kit
Tangible Play, Inc. 2017. Palo Alto, CA: Tangible Play Inc. (OSM 1)
OSMO attaches to an iPad and allows children to interact with the screen by manipulating objects in front of the iPad. This kit comes with several educational games for children to play. iPad not included.




Ados et étudiants surdoués : trouver sa voie et s’épanouir
Gibert, Nathalie et Patrick Dumay. 2018. Paris, FRA : Vuibert (370.152 G464)
Être une personne à haut potentiel intellectuel apparait souvent comme une chance, un privilège. Pourtant, le jeune surdoué doit composer au quotidien avec un fonctionnement cognitif et émotionnel atypique, susceptible de freiner son adaptation au système éducatif et à la vie en société. Alors que 100 % des élèves à haut potentiel ont des résultats qui varient entre bons et excellents en maternelle, ils ne sont plus qu’un tiers au second cycle du secondaire. Cet ouvrage vous permettra de mieux comprendre les spécificités de ces élèves grâce à des chapitres mêlant théorie, conseils et témoignages.


Le livre des vrais surdoués
Millêtre, Béatrice. 2017. Paris, FRA : Payot & Rivages (370.152 M653)
Les surdoués ont tout pour être heureux : ils sont plus résilients que les autres, moins anxieux, plus matures et réfléchis, leur empathie est plus forte et ils s’adaptent mieux au changement! Trop d’idées fausses circulent sur les surdoués. S’appuyant sur les derniers résultats scientifiques et sur sa propre expérience à titre de psychothérapeute, l’auteure aborde concrètement tous les aspects du fonctionnement cérébral et de la vie quotidienne des surdoués afin de prouver qu’il est possible de conjuguer bonheur et difference.


Découvrir le cerveau à l’école : les sciences cognitives au service des apprentissages
Rossi, Sandrine et al. 2017. Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, FRA : Canopé (510 R833)
Des progrès considérables ont été réalisés dans la compréhension des processus cognitifs en jeu dans les apprentissages et ont conduit à l’émergence d’un nouveau point de vue dans le champ de l’éducation. Cet ouvrage propose cinq séquences pédagogiques innovantes pouvant contribuer à de meilleurs apprentissages chez les élèves dès le plus jeune âge. Ces activités pour la classe, qui privilégient une approche métacognitive, incitent les élèves à analyser et à comprendre leurs propres processus de pensée.


La rééducation de l’écriture de l’enfant et de l’adolescent : pratique de la graphothérapie
Thoulon-Page, Chantal et Florence de Montesquieu. 2015. Issy-les-Moulineaux, FRA : Elsevier Masson (618.92855306 T524)
Savoir écrire n’est pas inné. Comme la lecture, cet exercice complexe s’acquiert sous l’influence conjointe de contraintes individuelles, culturelles et affectives. Fruit de plusieurs années de réflexion et de pratique, la troisième édition de cet ouvrage s’inscrit dans la continuité d’un travail approfondi sur la mise au point du traitement des difficultés d’écriture, ou dysgraphies. Elle reprend en détail la naissance du geste graphique, les conditions de son évolution et les possibilités de restauration de ses perturbations.


Le profil d’apprentissage : un outil contre l’échec scolaire
Turecek, Katharina. 2015. Paris, FRA : Tom Pousse (371.3 T934)
Comment aider un élève en difficulté, qui n’arrive pas à finir ses devoirs, qui a l’impression de tout oublier ce qu’il vient d’apprendre, ou qui perd tous ses moyens lors d’une épreuve? Ce livre s’adresse à tous ceux qui accompagnent l’enfant au quotidien en leur fournissant une méthode pour lui montrer comment apprendre à apprendre, en tenant compte de sa personnalité. L’ouvrage montre comment réaliser le test pour établir le profil d’apprentissage de l’enfant, le guide dans l’évaluation de son profil et comprend un programme d’entrainement complet.


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